Enjoy the Malaga Holy Week 2024 with Apartamentos Málaga Premium Complete Guide

Do you want to enjoy the Holy Week 2024 in Malaga? Would you like to discover all the details so you do not miss anything and live this important event as a local? At Apartamentos Málaga Premium, we have prepared a complete guide with which you can check dates, itineraries, events, or key moments… In short, solve any doubt that may arise, allowing you to experience the most Premium Holy Week in 2024. Are you curious about it? We’ll tell you everything below.

  1. Holy Week in Malaga 2024: Parades, Itineraries, and more
  2. How Is Holy Week Celebrated in Malaga?
  3. Malaga Holy Week Guide
  4. Other Interesting Events during the Holy Week in Malaga

Holy Week in Malaga 2024: Parades, Itineraries, and more

One more year, Holy Week is approaching, and Malaga begins to boil with excitement, finalizing preparations for one of the city’s most essential and expected events. Whether you are a believer or a member of a brotherhood, it is clear that the Holy Week in Malaga is a milestone for locals and visitors. Throughout the week, the capital is bustling with energy and welcomes thousands of visitors who wait expectantly for the arrival of this celebration.

And what is Holy Week all about? Although this week’s celebration has a clear religious component, since it celebrates the passion of Christ, today it has a strong cultural character, and many visitors do not want to miss the details of the processions or “thrones” that will parade through our city. Are you one of them? Stay tuned to what we are going to tell you.

How Is Holy Week Celebrated in Malaga?

Malaga Holy Week 2024 is celebrated between Sunday, the 24th, and Sunday, the 31st of March. As you can see, a whole week in which you can go to the city centre, participate in all the activities it offers and contemplate each parade, with their characteristic Nazarenes and to the rhythm of the marches of horns and drums. Pay close attention! Each parade or “trono” (throne), as we call them in Malaga, follows a particular itinerary. Thus, several brotherhoods flood the labyrinthine streets of downtown Malaga simultaneously, so visiting Holy Week offers you a cultural spectacle and the option to discover the old town uniquely.

Malaga Holy Week Guide

As tradition dictates, on Palm Sunday, the 24th of March, the Pollinica will be in charge of inaugurating this Holy Week 2024 at 10:15 am, while the closing will be in charge of the Risen One, who will tour the streets of Malaga on Easter Sunday, the 31st of March. Thus, many processions will travel Malaga’s roads daily, except for Holy Saturday, the 30th of March.

In Malaga, all the brotherhoods usually parade with two thrones, a Christ who leads the procession and a Virgin who follows him. In addition, unlike other processions or “pasos” in other provinces, the Malaga “thrones” are carried by “throne men” who carry them on their shoulders thanks to the staves, which usually go beyond the figure of the throne itself. Finally, although each of them has its own route, the 45 brotherhoods of Malaga share an official and common itinerary that includes key sites such as Plaza de la Constitución, Calle Marqués de Larios, Alameda Principal, Plaza de la Marina and Calle Molina Lario.

Although each local may have a particular preference for certain parades or brotherhoods (even for specific streets and locations on the itinerary for each throne), some names by which Malaga’s Holy Week is especially known can be highlighted. Some of them are El Cautivo, El Cristo de Mena and the legion, La Esperanza, La Paloma, El Rico or Las Servitas. Each and every one of them has key moments in their routes that leave visitors speechless. What are you waiting for to discover it by yourself?

Other Interesting Events during the Holy Week in Malaga

In addition to the official itineraries that take place during the “big week”, curious and fans can also enjoy other important moments such as the opening speech, which will take place on Saturday, the 16th of March, and the “transfers.” The latter are short tours in which the images of the thrones are moved from the churches that house them all year round to the brotherhood houses, from where they will leave on parade.

What do you think of our complete guide to enjoy Holy Week 2024 in Malaga? Do you already have everything organized to enjoy the big week in Malaga? If not, do not take long to do so, as Malaga is usually quite crowded at this time. If you do not know where to stay, we recommend our Apartamentos Malaga Premium, located in the heart of the city and from which you will enjoy a key location to see all the processions. On the other hand, if you want to live a different Holy Week experience in Malaga, we encourage you to visit the nearby charming towns of Malaga. In addition, from the 24th of March to the 1st of April you can experience the Holy Week of Antequera, a town with a strong brotherly tradition that will display its charms for the enjoyment of its visitors. Do not hesitate and live the brotherly tradition!

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